The full Little Blue Pen notebook entry and horse profile for BABY GAL (GB).
Horse: BABY GAL (GB)
BABY GAL (GB) is a 5 year old FILLY which was most recently trained by . This FILLY was foaled in 2014, and is by the sire ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) and dam OUR GAL (GB).
Horse Name: BABY GAL (GB)
Foaling year: 2014 (5 years old)
Flat Rating: 43
Whenever an item is posted to this site relating to BABY GAL (GB) it will be listed below, in reverse chronological order (the most recently listed items will be nearest the top of this page, below).
Racing Results | Friday 1 February 2019
Racing comes from Wolverhampton, Lingfield, Newcastle and Dundalk on Friday 1 February 2019. Every race is over the All Weather, as the National Hunt meetings fell victim to the cold weather (Catterick and Chepstow abandoned)
Racing Tips | Friday 1 February 2019
All weather is the order of the day again, as the cold spell continues in UK and Ireland. There’s AW racing at Dundalk, Lingfield, Newcastle and Wolverhampton on Friday 1st Feberuary 2019.